Hi, so glad that you have found me here! Welcome to this sacred place where I will share thoughts and learnings from my healing journey.

What am I healing from, you might wonder?

At the age of 31, a series unexpected recent events have urged me to face off the traumas and patterns I’ve developed through my difficult and complex childhood, as well as unresolved issues in my early adulthood. I’ve learned to understand the patterns in life is deeply rooted in the experiences in my early development age.

Amidst the healing journey, apart from working with a licensed trauma therapy, reading and listening about different types of mental health and psychological topics, I have gained a lot of affirmations from reading & listening to other people’s healing experiences.

For the exact same reason, I have decided to establish a platform to share my own stories for you who are also struggling in life and navigating in a sea of obstacles to find encouragements in your own healing journey.

As I mentioned before, this is a sacred place for myself, and for others, so please be mindful of your languages and behaviours in the comment section. I would also like to address that I am nowhere trained in the field of psychology or mental health, whatever I am writing about is just the understanding from my very own individual experiences. I am also still learning constantly so what I share now only represents my limited understanding on these topics in the present time. Each individual should make the assessment of their own physical and mental health with trained professionals in the fields and seek help from them. Please don’t substitute my understanding as mental health advice.